Sunday, December 20, 2009

Update on Avery

We just wanted to give everyone an update on Avery. We drove to Denver, Colorado on Sunday December 13th and found a room at the Ronald Mcdonald House in Aurora. Avery was admitted to the National Jewish Hospital on Monday the 14th. She was examined by a team that consisted of a Physician, Physicians assistant, Nurse and Therapist-they would all be working with us for the week. They promised us that they would have Avery looking and feeling better within 2 days. This was hard to believe considering the history of trying to deal with her condition. To start treatment they needed her to soak in a bath for 20 min.- this would be extremely difficult knowing the pain that Avery would need to endure. Needless to say, the baths the first few days were hard for her, but after her skin began to heal, she did better with them. After bathing, she was covered in topical steroids and put in full body wet wraps. This was done multiple times throughout the day - 2 hours wet and then 2 hours dry. At night she would sleep in her wet wrap and was sedated to avoid any itching or irritation to her skin. We were informed that it would take 5-7 days for her skin to heal and sure enough within 2 days we could see a big difference. It is so sad to us that there were so many aspects of Avery's treatment that we were aware of and had been doing - we just didn't know how to do it properly and effectively.
When we got here Avery was covered with sores, rashes, inflammation and infection. We were doing everything everyday that we knew how to do and we would still fall back into the same vicious cycle - it was frustrating and exhausting. The first few pictures are of Avery before we got here and the others are her in wet wraps at hospital.

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