Sunday, December 20, 2009

Avery - Day 5 of Treatment

By the fifth day we had seen huge results in Avery.  They had tapered  her off of the baths to 3 times a day and wet wraps morning and night.  We found that Avery has many environmental allergies which require her to do nasal rinses ever day - this is not a her favorite thing.  By keeping her nose clean hopefully we can keep allergens from affecting her skin.  She does not have many food allergies which lead the doctors to believe that most of her problems come from the outside.  Because she does not have normal skin, it is very important that Avery be covered in emollients and creams most of the day to protect her skin from allowing outside allergens in. So many changes to be made, but we feel like we have such a better understanding of what is different about Avery's skin and what we need to do to maintain it.  One last element to be resolved was the constant itching associated with her condition.  It happens to be the last thing to go, but Avery should eventually have little to no itching in her skin.  We have already seen big improvements in itching - even though her skin is almost healed she still itches some and a lot of that is reactions to creams and habit. 

Avery spent Friday night with her friend Blake who was going home the following day - it was a blessing to be able to get to know him and his family.  It was therapy for Doug and I to talk with his Mom(Ginger) to actually know and understand that others are going through something similiar and Blake said it best  - "Finally! someone who understands!"

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Aver's. You look awesome!! Cant wait to see you in a few days. Love Ya
